Week 6
This week I dubble checked all of my coding, HTML and CSS. I also entered a contest with some of my auto designs
Weekly Notes of what I Learned this Summer at Web Design Class
This week I dubble checked all of my coding, HTML and CSS. I also entered a contest with some of my auto designs
This week I explored adobe XD and created a circle artboard that took forever. I also learned how to make an image appear in my websites. I created different artboards for each season.
This week I explored adobe XD and created a circle artboard that took forever. I also learned how to make an image appear in my websites. I created different artboards for each season.
This week I explored photoshop and Illistrator. I learned that vector is for Illistrator and its a bunch of dots. I learned that raster is for photoshop and that rastor is a bunch of pixels. This week I also explored Adobe XD. I learned about prototype mode on Adobe XD, and that it could link pages together. I also used XD to design possible designs for my website.
This week in class I deleted all of my old styling {CSS}, and I started putting in essintial CSS and HTML. For example, the Header and the Footer. I also created 3 lists on my home page. I added 2 sub pages the blog page and the about page. I customized my website by adding pictures and colors. I blurred my blog and about photos.
This week I set up most of my website recources. For example, Github, CMS, and Visual Studio Code. I created a repo, I git cloned my repo and making it a folder. I added some styling. I changed my backround colors and fonts.